
Matlab max
Matlab max

In the above example, we have applied to find function to find the minimum and maximum value in the input which has a function and then applied those variables in the Marker Indices property to denote only the maximum and minimum points. Please find the below example explaining the above property. We can also display the maximum and minimum points in the line graph by specifying it in the Marker Indices property. For example: If we want to display the marker in every 5 th data point which starts from the first data point then we can give it as input to the command which will show the marker only in the respective position. This can be achieved by using Marker Indices property in Matlab which helps in the distribution of markers in the relevant data points. We can also control the placement of the markers depending on the requirements so that we can display the markers only in certain data points as mentioned in the input argument. Based on the intensities we want, we can decide the RGB triplet value and mention it in the command for the desired results. Marker size we have given as 5, Marker edge color as blue and the last property Marker Face color we have specified using the RGB triplet value.

matlab max

In the above example, we have used all the three properties which we have discussed in the above paragraph. We can also see the property of the line by specifying the necessary symbol along with the marker sign or shape like ‘- ‘is the solid line which is the default line, ‘- ‘is the dashed line,’:’ is the dotted line and ‘-.’ Is the dashed-dotted line. Marker colors can be red, blue, green, cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, and White. This property can also be specified in the input argument using the color name or RGB triplet value.

matlab max

Marker Face Color is used for the inside color that we want to give in the plot. We can also mention the color name in the input argument for the changes in the plot. Each color has its own unique RGB triplet value which can be mentioned in the argument also. Marker edge color is the property that is used to specify the color that we want to mark the outline of the graph. Marker Size is the property that is used to specify the size of points and it is always a positive value. We can change these properties using the name-value pairs depicting the property of the marker and the required value of the respective property.

matlab max

We can specify the marker size and color to show the placement of markers. If we specify no line in the command, then the output will be in the form of markers only, without displaying any line which is required to connect the points. This will plot a line graph with all the points marked in a circle format, which is usually known as circle markers. Given below are the examples of matlab plot marker: Example #1 Generally, we use Marker to plot the line graphs using a name-value pair where we can draw the graph using plot () function in Matlab. Here a and b are the inputs that we specify while plotting any graph. Plot (a, b,’ name of the property’, ‘value’) We can use this property while mentioning it in the input argument using different marker properties. Markers in the plot can be used for many reasons like highlighting some of the important points which are required for the analysis or to distinguish between different points so that they can plot them with different prints and patterns.

Matlab max